54. Editorial Note
Prime Ministers Noon and Nehru met in New Delhi, September 9–11. The Embassy in New Delhi commented on the talks in telegram 609, September 11. (Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91/9–1158) The Embassy in Karachi commented on the talks in telegrams 586 and 601, September 12 and 15, respectively. (Ibid., 690D.91/9–1258 and 690D.91/9–1558) On September 16, Knight called on Prime Minister Noon to discuss with him his meeting with Nehru. “While Noon not unduly optimistic,” Knight reported, “and does not appear to believe his recent trip to Delhi has advanced solution of Kashmir, Indus waters and related basic difficulties with India, it is clear that he was personally pleased and grateful over welcome and considerateness shown him by Nehru.” (Ibid., 690D.91/9–1758)
In a letter of September 19 to Francis J. Galbraith, First Secretary of the Embassy in London, Bartlett offered the following assessment of the meeting between Noon and Nehru: “In line with our expectations but contrary to our hopes, the Noon-Nehru meeting does not seem to have brought the two countries any closer to settlement of the major disputes and it appears that we can expect little change in Indian attitudes before the Pakistan elections.” (Ibid., SOA Files: Lot 62 D 43, Package)