380. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

2171. Para 6 of Deptel 20412 may be replaced by following in your presentation to Ayub:

Approximately ten F104s with spares will be placed in FY61 program for Pakistan. Programming details will be furnished MAAG by USAF. Training will be subject further communication to MAAG but obviously will have to commence soon.

Cost will not be deducted from remainder Pakistan program.

USG believes Ayub will share its concern over sensitivity this part of program in terms Pak-Indian and Pak-Afghan relations and its belief it sure to stimulate premature demand by Shah for similar aircraft although F–86s only now being programmed into IIAF. Accordingly USG prefers foregoing info regarding F–104s be confined to highest levels GOP for time being.

You may indicate in your presentation that favorable decision USG provide F–104s based on Pakistan’s special military requirements.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790D.5622/3–360. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Parker T. Hart and Admiral Grantham, and approved by Dillon.
  2. Supra.