271. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (Gates)1
Washington, November 15,
- Sale of Soviet Aircraft to India
- 1.
- Recent reports from India indicate that the Soviets will be successful in their efforts to sell MI–4 helicopters and possibly transport aircraft to the Indian Government for use in their Border Road Development Program. Even more significant is the report that an Indian Defense team was sent to the USSR on 15 October 1960, to survey other Soviet equipment and possibly open negotiations for the manufacture in India of MI–4 helicopters under licensing agreement.
- 2.
- From a military point of view the Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that the purchase by India of a small number of transports and helicopters from the Soviets would have relatively minor consequences in a narrow, short-term sense. However, the broader and longer range aspects of the purchase or manufacture of Soviet aircraft have much greater significance, for the reasons given in the Appendix hereto.
- 3.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff believe that the most productive way to counter Soviet moves in this area would be to accelerate the expansion and development of the Indian aircraft and related military equipment industries. For example, the current Indian-Lockheed negotiations mentioned in the Appendix could probably be speedily concluded provided the United States assisted in the difficult foreign exchange problem. This assistance would be required in those areas where existing monetary sources such as the Development Loan Fund and Export-Import Bank could not be utilized. Without such assistance Western companies cannot successfully compete with a subsidized Soviet program. While the cost to the United States of guarantees, loans, conversion of soft currencies, etc., would undoubtedly be substantial, the cost of this form of subsidization would probably compare favorably with the cost of grant military aid and would certainly be cheaper and more productive than to counter Soviet offers through sale of U.S. equipment at subsidized discounts.
- 4.
- Accordingly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that you seek Department of State agreement to early implementation of a program whereby the United States renders financial assistance in accelerating the expansion and development of the Indian aircraft and related military equipment industries.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD/ISA Records, Country Files, India. Secret.↩
- Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.↩
- Secret.↩
- American Embassy New Delhi Foreign Service Dispatch to Department of State, No. 182, dated 23 August 1960. [Footnote in the source text. Despatch 182 from New Delhi is in Department of State, Central Files, 891.3333/8–2360.]↩