172. Editorial Note
On September 23, the Embassy in Kabul reported that a “threatening situation” was developing in Bajaur along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, with hostilities raging within Pakistani territory between pro-Afghan elements allied with the Nawab of Dir and pro-Pakistani elements allied with the Khan of Khar. On September 24, Prime Minister Daud informed Ambassador Byroade about the situation in Bajaur; he indicated that he thought it likely that conflict would break out between Pakistani troops and local tribal people and that Afghanistan would be forced to protect the local tribes. (Telegram 330 from Kabul, September 24; Department of State, Central Files, 689.90D/9–2460; telegram 587 to Ankara, September 30; ibid., 689.90D/9–3060)
In despatch 72 from Kabul, October 24, the Embassy summarized what it referred to as “the Bajaur tribal war.” (Ibid., 689.90D/10–2460)