321. Editorial Note
President Sekou Touré made a State visit to Washington, October 26–28. Regarding President Eisenhower’s invitation to him, see Document 317; for text of the June 4 announcement of the visit, see Department of State Bulletin, June 22, 1959, page 917. While in Washington, President Touré met with President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Herter; see Documents 322 and 323.
The text of the joint communiqué issued by President Eisenhower and President Touré on October 28 is printed in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1959, pages 1109–1110. The texts of the exchange of greetings between Vice President Nixon and Touré on October 26 and the exchange of toasts between Eisenhower and Touré at a White House dinner that evening is printed in Department of State Bulletin, November 16, 1959, pages 719-722. For text of a cultural agreement signed on October 28 by Secretary of State Herter and Acting Foreign Minister Louis-Lansasna Béavogui, see 10 UST 1829. A briefing memorandum of October 22 from Herter to Eisenhower is in the Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, International Series. Additional documentation concerning the visit, including briefing materials, are in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 560, CF 1518-1520.
President Touré was in the United States October 25–November 9. After leaving Washington, he visited Durham, North Carolina; Chicago; Los Angeles; Wheeling, West Virginia; and New York, where he addressed the U.N. General Assembly.