201. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State0

602. Re: Congo.

Wieschhoff (Secretariat) late this afternoon reviewed recent events in Congo and told us SYG’s intention to issue report to SC tonight1 and request SCmtg probably for Friday.2
Wieschhoff confirmed ticker reports that Lumumba back as PM and Kasavubu as Pres. He said he understood negotiations behind scenes had taken place between two and resulted in agreement on part Lumumba not to call in outside aid. He also reported FonMin Bomboko had resigned. In response our characterization of these events as Lumumba victory, Wieschhoff expressed opinion it “not necessarily outright victory” for Lumumba; it still too early to tell what effects of recent events would be.
Wieschhoff said Kasavubu, after making radio address dismissing Lumumba, went home and went to bed and could not be reached by Rikhye and Liu3 (UN) whom Cordier (UN) sent to talk with him concerning “next steps.” Wieschhoff questioned rhetorically, How can you make a revolution with such material?”
We pressed Wieschhoff as to why UN troops had not been used to keep pro-Lumumba members of Force Publique off streets and away from Parliament. Wieschhoff replied there were limits as to how far UN could stretch its authority. Such action by UN force would have been too clearly intervention in internal affairs. We said it was our understanding that UN had recognized Kasavubu’s constitutional right to dismiss his PM; Kasavubu was therefore GOC and had right to request UN keep Force Publique off streets as part of its assistance in maintenance of law and order.
Wieschhoff said he could understand this line of argument but repeated difficulty of acting effectively when Kasavubu “went to bed” and Ileo took no action. We expressed view UN should not have gone half-way against Lumumba; seemed to produce disadvantages of interference without desired results. Wieschhoff said UN had planned mount massive display of UN force at Parliament during its deliberation. He did not know how this had turned out. (Later Wieschhoff called back to say Force Publique has been welcomed by “both sides.” There was no occasion for UN to act against it.)
Wieschhoff then told us of SYG’s intention to issue report to SC about midnight for distribution tomorrow morning. He said it will stress great need in Congo for financial aid (Wieschhoff mentioned figure of $200 million) and contain suggested draft res appealing to all members to contribute to UN fund. Res would also reaffirm UN mandate in Congo, making it “little stronger” than previously. Res would make point that financial aid cannot, standing by itself, be effective; along with [sic] provisions against introduction of outside force. Finally res will state UN cannot stand by while civil rights violated. Wieschhoff expressed view such res if pushed would be difficult to veto and if vetoed responsibility would be clear. He said SYG probably ask for SCmtg to be Friday. SYG is seeing Slim (Tunisia) tonight to discuss situation.
In response our personal estimation that situation looked very bleak, Wieschhoff said there was one bright note in picture—10 Soviet Ilyushin planes now effectively grounded Stanleyville. He said Cordier had reported that plan to block planes now effective, 18 hours after it ordered into effect; Ethiopian troops being concentrated at Stanleyville from outlying areas in order strengthen UN control. He said if UN’s airport control can be maintained, that will be one important gain.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/9–760. Secret; Priority.
  2. See U.N. doc. S/4482 and Add. 1–4.
  3. September 9.
  4. F.T. Liu served as a political adviser to the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in the Congo.