185. Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions0
277. Although attitude African group at UN seems in general agreement US position in Congo, Department wishes make sure participants in African states meeting Leopoldville August 251 are all aware extremely serious consequences which could arise if Lumumba’s attitude toward UN continues in present form. Wish stress however following talking points to be used selectively in local discussion where circumstances indicate this would be useful. With this reservation, following points should be stressed: USG has supported unity Congo and has not supported Katanga secession. Last SC resolution specifically prohibited UN intervention in internal political conflict and spirit of resolution clearly implied UN force not be used support Lumumba against Tshombe or be placed at disposition central government. Any use of UN forces in internal political and constitutional disputes would set extremely dangerous precedent for all small states. Should also mention Belgian troop withdrawal proceeding as rapidly as physically possible, and UN has in fact demonstrated its concern for unity and integrity of Congo.
May also point out Lumumba is in fact challenging authority, prestige and usefulness of United Nations. UN remains unique force for safeguarding interests small nations and keeping cold war out of Africa. Flouting its authority by one government of a newly independent African state cannot help but damage the cause of all African [Page 434] states. Failure of UN operation in Congo would almost inevitably result in chaos that country with all this situation would imply for Africa as whole and international peace and security and might well have disastrous effects on United Nations itself. Might thus greatly retard efforts attain world peace through multinational approach collective security. We would therefore hope African states in manner they deem most appropriate can convince Congolese best interest of all Africa will be served by close cooperation UN effort in Congo under leadership SYG whose devotion to interests of Africa and cause world peace unquestioned. In all conversations with authorities of country to which you accredited you should overlook no step to emphasize gravity situation and opportunity for Africans make constructive contribution world peace.
At posts where criticism Lumumba personally might be counter-productive you should generalize, i.e. refer to attitude Congo Govt. rather than indulge in comment on personalities.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770.00/8–2060. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Ferguson; cleared by Satterthwaite, White, Brown, and Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and South Asian Regional Affairs A. Guy Hope, and in substance by Wallner and Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs Nicholas G. Thatcher; and approved by Hare. Sent to 14 embassies in Africa and repeated to Léopoldville, Brussels, London, Paris, and USUN.↩
- A special session of the Conference of Independent African States met in Léopoldville, August 25–30.↩