144. Editorial Note

The U.N. Security Council continued its discussion of the crisis in the Congo at its 878th meeting on July 21 and its 879th meeting, July 21–22. At the former, Tunisian Representative Mongi Slim introduced draft Resolution S/4404, cosponsored by Ceylon, which, after minor amendments by its sponsors, was unanimously adopted by the Council on July 22 as Resolution S/4405. It called upon Belgium to “implement speedily” the Security Council’s July 14 resolution on the withdrawal of its troops and authorized the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to this effect, and it requested all states to refrain from any action which might tend to impede the restoration of law and order and the Congo Government’s exercise of its authority or which might undermine the Congo’s territorial integrity and political independence. For text, see U.N. doc. S/4405; for the records of the meetings, see U.N. docs. S/PV.878 and 879. The text of the resolution is also printed in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1960, pages 538–539; text of a statement made by Lodge is printed ibid., pages 532–535.