178. Editorial Note
Assistant White House Staff Secretary John S.D. Eisenhower included the following information on Iraq in his “Synopsis of State and Intelligence material reported to the President,” April 18–20, 1959:
“Communist pressures have resulted in a number of personnel changes in important Iraqi government posts, and a major revision of the Iraqi cabinet is reported to be impending.
[Page 439]“According to a UK Foreign Office official, the British Ambassador to Iraq—now on consultation in London—holds that there is no alternative to continuing the present UK policy in Iraq, avoiding actions embarrassing to relations with Qasim, and trying to find ways to help him. So far no decision has been reached on an arms offer, but the Ambassador favors it and other projects. He feels Qasim has not given in to every Communist demand, and the label ‘Communist’ is being used indiscriminately in regard to Iraq.” (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries)
President Eisenhower initialed the synopsis.