297. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State0
Athens, August 3,
1960, 4 p.m.
296. Re Embassy telegram 293.1
- 1.
- Extracting debt settlement seems about as difficult as pulling out walrus tusk with eyebrow tweezers—frozen walrus at that.
- 2.
- However, Secretary General Palamas now assures me that Gazis will leave for New York “by this week-end.”2
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 881.10/8–360. Secret; Limit Distribution.↩
- Telegram 293, August 3, reported that Karamanlis was apparently holding up Gazis’ departure for New York and that Briggs would attempt to prod the Greek Government into action. (Ibid.)↩
- In telegram 367 to Athens, August 17, the Department informed Briggs that Gazis and Munro initialed a memorandum of understanding on the debt issue on August 11. (Ibid., 881.10/6–2960)↩