108. Editorial Note
As an enclosure to his memorandum of September 26, James S. Lay, Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, transmitted a September 21 memorandum from Bromley Smith, Executive Officer of the Operations Coordinating Board, to all holders of NSC 5808/1 (Document 46). Smith wrote that at their meeting of September 16, the OCB Board Assistants noted, on behalf of their principals, that the OCB Working Group on Poland had reappraised the policy and concurred in the judgment that no review of policy by the National Security Council was necessary at that time, and that there were no developments of such significance as to warrant sending a report to the National Security Council. Smith wrote that in light of NSC Action No. 2215–c, the policy paper could be updated with particular reference to NSC Action No. 2250 of June 29. Copies of Lay’s and Smith’s memoranda are in Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Poland Documents. Regarding NSC Action Nos. 2215–c and 2250, see Document 104.
NSC 5808/1 was editorially revised by the National Security Council on June 22. See Document 104. Copies of the revised NSC 5808/1 are in National Archives and Records Administration, RG 218, JCS Records 092(9–14–49), Sec. 14 R–13 and in Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, 5808 Series.