336. Editorial Note

Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence, reviewed the situation in Cyprus during his briefing on significant world developments affecting U.S. security at the 424th meeting of the National Security Council, November 11:

“Mr. Dulles said he would mention the situation in Cyprus since a policy paper on that subject was a later item on the agenda. He reported that prospects were bright for a peaceful and successful transition to an independent Cyprus by February 19, 1960. The Constitutional Commission was now working smoothly after breaking a deadlock over the powers of the Turkish Vice President. Some clouds remained on the horizon, however. The Cypriots were violent people and the country had a strong, hard-core, Communist element which was for the present biding its time and making no effort to thwart the transition to independence. [3–1/2 lines of source text not declassified]” (Memorandum of discussion; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)

A draft paper, NSC 5915, “U.S. Policy Toward Cyprus,” was scheduled for discussion at the November 11 NSC meeting, but the discussion was postponed. NSC 5915 was subsequently modified and approved by the National Security Council as NSC 6003. NSC 6003 is printed as Document 347.