333. Telegram From the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State0

1026. Rome for Liaison. Zorlu sent for UK Ambassador Burroughs Sunday and recited to him Turkish tale of woe re Cyprus (Embtel 1014)1 but with considerably more rancor than Esenbel had revealed to Ambassador on same subject three days earlier. Turks are steamed up and feel particularly incensed at conduct of British and Greeks, with Deniz cited as only last straw in long series of grievances.

In discussion with UK representatives today we agreed GOT not likely go beyond Friday statement and we therefore hope it is sufficient to do job (job 176 to Department).2 We also feel there probably not [Page 800] much we can do here at moment beyond expression pleasure with Friday statement, at fact tensions seem to have abated Cyprus and express hope at all levels that constitutional committee will get on with its work.

Neither Burroughs nor Embassy agree Foot assessment Deniz affair might be good thing (London 2197 to Department).3 Seems to us here this merely highlights brittle nature Cyprus relationships and need keep lid on. Important that Turks who have made valient effort keep things calm last two months not be goaded [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]. GOT has been given assurances on their request UK will do everything possible keep Deniz court proceedings quiet but UK Embassy has no idea what can be done.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/10–2759. Secret; Priority. Repeated to Athens, London, Paris for USRO, Rome, and Nicosia.
  2. Telegram 1014 from Ankara, October 24, reported on Turkish Government reaction to the Deniz incident. (Ibid., 641.826-Caique Deniz/10–2459) On October 18, a British naval patrol stopped the Deniz, a ship of Turkish registry, off Cyprus. The Turkish crew scuttled the ship but the British recovered some of the arms the ship was carrying. In protest over the incident, Makarios suspended negotiations with the Turkish Cypriots.
  3. Telegram 176 from Nicosia, October 24, reported that the Turkish Foreign Office statement on the Deniz incident was satisfactory to Makarios and might lead to a renewal of intercommunal talks. (Ibid., 747C.00/10–2459)
  4. Telegram 2197 from London, October 23, reported on British Government reaction to the Deniz incident. (Ibid., 747C.00/10–2359)