252. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State0

365. 1. In conversation with King at Tatoi he expressed anxiety over failure to make any progress toward Cyprus solution and told me he found Karamanlis discouraged and embittered over Turkish package aid with no apparent attempt on our part to influence GOT.1 [Page 692] I explained it as best I could in light of facts I had, admittedly somewhat meager as to economic justification. In his customary calm and moderate way, King asked me to express to Secretary his hope that Averoff suggestions be given serious consideration. He was certain GOG could deal with Makarios on this basis if it were possible to move GOT in this direction. I in turn urged King to influence Prime Minister to exercise patience and pursue Spaak talks, recalling how long it had taken to find acceptable solutions to other post-war territorial problems. King did not disagree but remarked that continued violence on Cyprus was added complication. He himself was of opinion we should at least have made an effort with Turks before pushing package aid deal.

2. Have learned indirectly that announcement of US aid figures for Turkey prior to action on appropriations is being contrasted unfavorably within GOG with our reply to its aid requests.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/8–458. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to London, Paris for USRO, Ankara, and Nicosia.
  2. On August 4, the U.S. Government, the International Monetary Fund, and the OEEC announced a $359 million stabilization loan program for Turkey. The United States provided $234 million of the loan.