249. Editorial Note
On July 16, NATO Secretary General Paul-Henri Spaak met with representatives of the Greek, Turkish, and British Governments in Paris for discussions on Cyprus. Spaak proposed and the three interested parties agreed to five basic principles for the discussion: 1) a final solution was not possible at present; 2) they should work for a provisional solution; 3) the provisional solution should not facilitate any particular final solution; 4) the provisional solution should increase Cypriot self-government; and 5) the settlement must include absolute safeguards for the Turkish minority. Whitney reported on these discussions in telegram 543 from London, July 21. (Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/7–2158)
On July 25, Secretary General Spaak met with the Greek, Turk and British Representatives to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for further discussions. Spaak presented a paper for discussion outlining his five principles for a settlement. After debate on the paper, Spaak agreed to redraft it to meet the objections and criticisms raised. Polto 356, July 25, reported on the discussions. (Ibid., 747C.00/7–2558) Text of the Spaak paper was sent to the Department of State in Polto 352, July 25. (Ibid.)