216. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations0

Topol 4581. Paris: Deliver to Nolting 9 A.M., June 13. Paris Topol 4550, 4548 and 4547. London 7143 rptd Paris Topol 196. London 7187 rptd Paris Topol 201.1

FYI. 1. We are deeply concerned about consequences of possible failure of British in their current efforts. They have indicated that, in event their new initiative fails, they will be obliged to consider partition. In view of attitude of Greeks and practical difficulties involved in drawing partition line it seems inevitable that attempt to apply partition would at this time result in greater civil strife in Cyprus and threaten even wider conflict between Greece and Turkey. While present British plan has number of serious defects, it is essential that British be given that degree of encouragement and support that would forestall their despairing finding solution of this difficult problem and resorting to Palestine-type of withdrawal without settlement.

2. Unless discussions can be undertaken on Cyprus issue in NATO or privately that may lead to some hope of compromise, problem will doubtless grow so much worse that the UN will be drawn into it and what is now a family controversy will become an issue in which the enemies of NATO may take a hand. Averoff reported in press to be considering taking problems to Security Council.

3. We are concerned over London reports that Spaak will urge that other nations “abandon their attitude of cautious reserve and give active support” to present UK approach.2 It is not clear to us what this means and whether this envisages public announcement by NATO of such support. See separate telegram this aspect of issue.3 End FYI.

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In event UK plan is discussed June 13, you should commend British efforts to find solution without specifically endorsing UK plan. Within that context you may in your discretion make following points:

Continued encouragement and support of British efforts are essential to solution of this difficult problem and to preservation of NATO unity.
This quarrel within its own family is problem to which NATO should properly address itself.
We would hope that this would be regarded as private family matter and that no publicity be given to NATO proceedings.
We have encouraged Greek and Turkish Governments to give British proposals same serious study and careful consideration which British themselves clearly gave to their development.
We believe that hope in present situation lies in fact that serious efforts are now being made to solve this most difficult problem and that current British efforts afford useful basis for discussions that might lead to plan all parties can live with.

You are authorized to make approaches to Greek and Turkish NATO representatives requested by UK and reported in London’s 7187.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1258. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Owen T. Jones and Murat Williams. Repeated to Athens, Ankara, London, and Nicosia.
  2. Topol 4550, June 11, summarized the Dulles-Macmillan talks on June 10 (see Document 209). (Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1158) Regarding Topol 4548 (telegram 8835 to London), see footnote 4, Document 213. Topol 4547 is printed as telegram 3634 to Athens, Document 210. Telegram 7143 from London, June 10, reported on the initial reaction that the British Government had received to its proposals from the Turkish Government and from Spaak. (Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1058) Telegram 7187 is printed as Document 213.
  3. Spaak’s comments were reported in telegram 7143 from London, June 10. (Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1058)
  4. Presumably Polto 4548.