401. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1

1230. Two-day National Catholic Congress opened night of November 28 with torchlight parade and pontifical mass attended by crowd estimated at close to one million. Center of parade and mass was Director General de la Caridad del Cobre, patron saint of Cuba, brought for purpose from Oriente. Archbishop Perez Serrente officiated mass in presence of high Catholic clergy and leaders of revolutionary government including President Dorticos and Fidel Castro. Following mass special message from Pope John to Cuban people transmitted by Vatican radio. Despite rain and cold turnout was huge.

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Closing session of congress held in Tropical Stadium morning November 29. Features this meeting were speeches and election new officers for National Catholic Lay Organizations. Speeches covered subjects of “charity and social justice”, “charity and human brotherhood” and “charity and love for country”. Despite religious orientation of speeches they carried definite political overtones in context present political situation, particularly that of Jose Ignacio Lasaga on social justice. He closed his remarks by saying Catholic social doctrine was against totalitarian state but in favor of social justice and in favor of redemption of worker and peasant but against communism.

Comment: Congress appears to have been highly successful despite notably inclement weather. Hard to assess what impact it will have on local political situation. Basic motivation for congress clearly religious, but many observers consider that Catholic Church attempted make its voice clearly heard on social and political issues confronting country including communism. Impact will be lessened because lack firm leadership and unity among Catholic hierarchy and reluctance take stand on public issues. Catholics certainly marshalled their forces and put on impressive demonstration of religious devotion. Crowd appeared considerably larger than any assembled by Castro since trimphal entry Havana January this year. Unlike Castro’s rallies crowd composed of from wealthiest to poorest. Undoubtedly good portion those present also from bulk of Castro’s mass rallies. Emphasis on charity, brotherhood, and tolerance contrasted markedly with harangues of denunciation, vengeance and class struggle which have increasingly marked the government rallies.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 837.413/11–3059. Official Use Only; Priority.