360. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1
614. At Roa’s suggestion, I called on President Dorticos morning twelfth. Roa also present. In conversation lasting forty minutes, I went over major features current Cuban-American relations in summary fashion. Dorticos was cordial, friendly and obviously concerned at specific items and at cumulative impact my presentation. He had discussed whole situation with Dihigo and Roa couple of days earlier.
Dorticos was interested in and quite responsive to my exposition of world situation.
On agrarian reform he believed discussion of situation very much in order. I told him we were preparing note reaffirming our position on compensation. He seemed imply this situation one in which GOC can show considerable flexibility within “objectives of revolution”.
Regarding telephone company, President said he had agreed receive parent company executives and looked forward constructive discussion.
On electric company situation, Dorticos affected lack information but promised look into matter personally.
Believe conversation was useful although results problematical. But am convinced Dorticos, Roa and others (especially Lopez Fresquet and Boti with whom I discussed situation at length in separate conversations on September 11, and Dihigo, Pazos, J.A. Guerra, Carrillo and [Page 599] others with whom I have had conversations since first of month) are increasingly aware impact of intemperate statements on Cuban-American relations and of ill-considered actions and threatened actions against American interests here on Cuba’s credit abroad and on internal economy. We may be approaching showdown between different groups supporting Castro and struggling for his approval.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.37/9–1459. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution.↩