76. Memorandum From Smith (S/P) to John Foster Dulles1

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  • Military Paragraphs of Basic National Security Policy Paper (NSC 5810/1)

Secretary McElroy has formalized the DOD position on this matter by sending in a memorandum to the NSC urging that the existing “military” paragraphs of the Basic National Security Policy paper be [Typeset Page 259] retained. (Tab A). Before knowing of McElroy’s action, we prepared for your signature a letter proposing that the NSC postpone decision on this matter pending a further joint State-Defense study. (Tab B).

In view of this difference between State and Defense, I suggest the following procedure:

That you call McElroy and point out the desirability of keeping this matter as “private” as possible. To this end you might suggest that Gordon Gray at the NSC meeting merely state for the record that it has been agreed that paragraphs 13 and 14 of the existing paper are to stand unchanged. This acquiescence by you in the existing language would be based on the expectation that the President, at a subsequent private meeting with yourself, McElroy and the JCS, would direct that this whole matter be further urgently studied.

You may recall that at the last NSC meeting on this subject General Max Taylor seemed to agree with your diagnosis of the short-life expectancy of our present strategic concept, but he expressed the opinion that within existing budgetary limitations important steps in the way of planning and weapon research and development could be accomplished to permit us subsequently to live with a modified strategic concept. Perhaps the President would direct a study of the implications of the type of program General Taylor had in mind.

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In addition, it would be your hope that the President would direct the Joint Defense-State study of the possibility of formulating a new strategic concept which you propose in your letter to Secretary McElroy (Tab A).

Gerard C. Smith
  1. Source: Question of a new strategic concept. Secret. 2 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/SNSC Files: Lot 63 D 351.