529. Memorandum From Twining to Gates1
[Facsimile Page 1]
Washington, Washington, February 12,
- U.S. Disarmament Policy (U)
- 1.
- Reference is made to the memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA), dated 4 February 1960, subject as above.
- 2.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff have reviewed the Department of State draft of a recommended U.S. Disarmament Policy which was submitted on 4 February 1960 for Department of Defense views. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have also reviewed the Department of Defense comments upon a recommended disarmament “position” previously submitted by the Department of State staff. It is apparent from a comparison of the two papers that the major objections and suggestions submitted by the Department of Defense in connection with the earlier “position” paper were not incorporated in the present “policy” paper. To the contrary, the papers are substantially identical.
- 3.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff endorse the comments made by the Department of Defense. They feel that it would be unproductive to reiterate and to attempt expansion of those views in order to comment item-by-item upon the present “policy” recommendation. As an over-all view, the Joint Chiefs of Staff regard this present Department of State draft as unsatisfactory in its substantive content; also, in their view, it is not a proper expression of arms control policy. It is, rather, a negotiating POSITION paper [Facsimile Page 2] both in content and format and should not be accorded the stature of a policy statement. The views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as to an appropriate U.S. arms control policy are contained in Appendix “A” hereto.
- 4.
- The necessity for formulating a U.S. negotiating position for forthcoming 10-Nation talks, with attendant pressures, may require National Security Council decisions in the very near future. Therefore, it is considered desirable to also state the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff relative to a U.S. negotiating position—a position in keeping with their concept of an appropriate arms control policy. These views are contained in Appendix “B” hereto.
- 5.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff disagree with the fundamental philosophy underlying the current approach to the arms control problem reflected in the paper submitted by the Department of State staff. Basically, this philosophy seems to regard the prime test of arms control proposals to be their negotiability, political appeal and responsiveness to the vagaries of world public opinion, rather than their tangible effects on the welfare and security of the United States. Underlying this placement of emphasis seems to be the view that arms control, per se, will facilitate the resolution of political conflict, rather than vice-versa, and that the risks of serious military disadvantage vis-a-vis the Soviet Bloc are intrinsically less dangerous to U.S. security than the political risks of leaving arms control negotiating initiatives in Soviet hands.
- 6.
- Concrete examples of unsound commitments to which a negotiation-oriented approach leads are to be found in measures advocated in the Department of State staff papers for immediate negotiation to: (1) reduce present force levels (without any reference to any agreed [Typeset Page 1937] appreciation of how this would affect U.S. security or NATO policy); (2) cease production of nuclear [Facsimile Page 3] materials for weapons purposes (without reference to its long-range effect on U.S. military posture); and (3) cease the testing of long-range missiles (without an agreed intergovernmental appreciation of its effort on over-all security of the United States and its allies). The Joint State-Defense Study on Disarmament rejected all three of these proposals as matters for immediate negotiation because of their unfavorable impact on U.S. security. On 8 February 1960, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a memorandum to the Secretary of Defense, supported these views.
- 7.
- In the view of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the above examples point in the dangerous direction to which our arms control policy will almost certainly lead if it continues to be founded on the sacrifice of substantial security considerations to negotiating expediency.
- 8.
- It is recommended that the comments and proposals contained in this memorandum and its attachments form the basis for your reply to the Secretary of State; for use by the National Security Council in the development of a U.S. arms control policy; and as a position for negotiations at the 10-Nation Conference.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
/s/ N.F.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Chiefs of Staff