51. Letter from McElroy to Eisenhower.1

Dear Mr. President:
[Facsimile Page 1]

I am forwarding herewith the first quarterly report of progress in the Military Reconnaissance Satellite Program undertaken by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense.

The Military Reconnaissance Satellite Program is the initial satellite program (other than VANGUARD and JUPITER C) which I have this far determined, in accordance with National Security Council Action No. 1846, “to have objectives having key political, scientific, psychological or military import.”

This initial report covers historical background and program plans for the development of Weapons System 117L which consists of the satellite vehicle, its information sensing, storage and transmission devices, and the ground receiving equipment and facilities. A financial plan for this project through Fiscal Year 1959 is also included.

Weapons System 117L is the culmination of extensive research and investigation since 1946 to determine the feasibility and operational capability of a satellite as a military reconnaissance vehicle. These studies have concluded that a Satellite Intelligence System is feasible and has potential operational capability of providing current and reliable intelligence information. Need for this information will continue to become more critical as technological advances enable a potential enemy to bring into being offensive weapons with constantly increasing range and greater destructive power.

Contracts for development and test of Weapons System 117L were let in October and November 1956. The first test flight of the Weapons System 117L satellite vehicle is planned to be conducted in late 1958. Successive tests of orbital capability of the vehicle and performance of the reconnaissance equipment are planned to continue through 1960.

[Facsimile Page 2]

Expected useful life for pioneer versions of the Military Satellite Vehicle equipment is 10 to 30 days and for later versions one year. The satellite vehicles are planned to be equipped with sensing devices which will relay reconnaissance information to the earth at a rate which would permit coverage of the entire Soviet Bloc by a single vehicle as frequently as once every eight days.

Successive progress reports will be provided to you each quarter showing highlights and significant accomplishments in the execution [Typeset Page 190] of the Military Reconnaissance Satellite Program. Additional interim reports will be submitted in event of breakthrough or other occurrence which would rapidly modify the schedules or objectives of the program.

In accordance with National Security Council Action No. 1846, the “scope of operational capability” of Weapons System 117L will be promptly raised for your approval when such approval becomes necessary in carrying forward the program.

With great respect, I am

Faithfully yours,

Neil H. McElroy

1 Incl

Report, subject

as above

  1. Source: Transmits report on military reconnaissance satellite program. Secret. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, DDE Diaries.