416. Telegram Nusup 184 to Geneva1
Nusup 184. Department appreciates considerations outlined SUPNU 230 and USDel belief that we may now or soon be more vulnerable if we do not table duration article than if we do, in view fact that our present position is fully on public record and that we are open to charges of stalling and unwillingness show our full position. Accordingly USDel may, in its discretion, table further articles, including duration, in accordance previous approved texts if USDel, in light changing negotiating situation, continues feel that this would be best tactic to preserve most favorable U.S. position in negotiations. Department’s concern is that we do not make it easy for Soviets to shift discussion to other issues now that their feet are to the fire on controls as indicated SUPNU 232. Department believes other articles, do not involve any major issues and that peaceful uses article in its present form would be hard for Soviets to attack as providing way for covert evasion weapons test prohibition.
Paragraph 2 of duration article as authorized NUSUP 172 should be amended by substituting “finds” for “considers”.
[Facsimile Page 2]Department believes that before tabling duration article USDel should refuse to be drawn into substantive discussion this question and should make following points: [Typeset Page 1547]
- 1.
- We expect Soviets give us concurrently promised list issues on which they would wish to have unanimity principle applied (as reported SUPNU 207).
- 2.
- Reiterate (along lines Department January 24 statement) that control issue and not matter of duration is key question and that if effective controls can be agreed then duration problem can be readily solved.
- 3.
- To undercut possible attack on unilateral withdrawal provision USDel should state in tabling we willing explore at appropriate time any reasonable approaches to problem ineffective operation control system but that we must first know the nature of control system before it would be fruitful to get into details here.
Department will continue to examine here possibility revising present paras 1 and 2 duration article with either U.K. draft or paragraph (F) NUSUP 150.
- Source: Approves tabling duration clause. Secret. 2 pp. NARA, RG 59, Central Files, 700.5611/1–2759.↩