235. Editorial Note
Douglas A. MacArthur II and James S. Cottman, Jr., of the Executive Secretariat, recorded in a memorandum of conversation, February 2, that they and Ernest A. Lister, Officer in Charge of United Kingdom and Ireland Affairs, had met on February 1 with Sir Harold Caccia, Deputy Under Secretary at the Foreign Office; Sir Hubert Graves, British Ambassador in Vietnam; John E. Coulson, Minister of Embassy in Washington; and Evelyn Shuckburgh, Assistant Under Secretary at the Foreign Office, “to compare notes as to US and UK responsibilities for future actions” resulting from the Eden–Eisenhower talks. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 648B) Documentation on their discussions, which confirmed and clarified decisions made from January 30 to February 1, is ibid. On February 4, a summary of the Eden–Eisenhower talks was sent in nearly identical circular telegrams (518 and 519), drafted by Merchant, approved by Mac-Arthur, and cleared by NEA, FE, and ARA, to London and 49 other posts. (Ibid., Central Files, 611.41/2–456)