81. Notes on a Meeting of the Operations Coordinating Board, Washington, July 18, 19561
[Here follows discussion of unrelated items.]
3. Report on Work of the Special Committee on the Soviet and Related Problems
Mr. Beam reported briefly and orally to the Board on the work of the Special Committee. He itemized the following developments:
[Page 222]- 1)
- Eye-witness accounts of the Poznan riots were being collected and were being made available for appropriate use by USIA, . . . and newspapers.
- 2)
- At US initiative, and with Canadian support, the Poznan riots were discussed on July 14 at the North Atlantic Council.
- 3)
- Ambassador Lodge found an opportunity to mention the riots during a recent speech.
- 4)
- The US Delegation to ECOSOC had been instructed to mention the Poznan riots in a speech when an opportunity presented itself.
Mr. Beam commented that other governments were not being particularly helpful in the dissemination of stories regarding the Poznan riots,2 but it was believed that they might be influenced to be helpful when the trials started. In reply to a question, Mr. Beam stated that the Russian propaganda line is getting firmer, although it is not as yet as tough as before Stalin’s death.
[Here follows discussion of unrelated items.]
- Source: Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Minutes—Preliminary Notes. Secret. Drafted by Richards.↩
- In circular telegram 44, July 19, the Department instructed 15 posts in Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and the Middle East to raise the issue of the Poznań riots with the respective host governments on the grounds that the Polish Government’s reaction to the riots might be tempered by “Free World interest.” (Ibid., Central Files, 749.00/7–1956)↩