226. Telegram From the Embassy in Italy to the Department of State1

2971. News stories reporting alleged secret negotiations between Kadar regime and American Legation Budapest re disposition Cardinal Mindszenty have prompted Vatican official approach Embassy representative for information re truth or falsity reports. Official showed concern re fate Cardinal and Vatican Secretariat of State would appreciate being informed any plans affecting future of Cardinal.

In this connection Embassy representative was told in strict confidence Holy See would pose no objection to Cardinal’s decision leave Hungary but would not attempt officially to influence Cardinal one way or other.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 864.413/1–1857. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Budapest.
  2. Despatch 877 from Rome, January 3, reported that a Vatican official indicated that the Holy See preferred that the Cardinal remain in Hungary. (Ibid., 848.413/1–357) Telegram 525 from Budapest, January 10, described an approach from the AVO to a “reliable source” who was asked to contact the Legation to convey the Hungarian Government’s assurance of a guarantee of safe conduct for the Cardinal to leave the country. The motivation was supposed to have been a desire to bring about improved relations with the United States. Wailes doubted the Cardinal wished to leave and thought the Hungarian Government was content with the way things were. Moreover, he believed the Cardinal would be arrested if he left the Legation. (Ibid., 864.413/1–1057) Telegram 5 to Rome, January 21, instructed the Embassy to inform the Vatican that the Legation was not conducting negotiations with the Kádár government concerning the Cardinal. (Ibid., 864.413/1–2157)