94. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Switzerland1
673. Tokyo also pass CINCUNC and CAG. Your 364.2 Zehnder’s suggestion Swiss might consider proposing next step on NNSC [Page 175] which leaves one inspection team at one port entry each in north and south Korea would not solve problem. Therefore request you see Zehnder pointing out we appreciate active consideration Swiss giving matter but believe strong Communist desire retain at least facade NNSC in DZ gives Swiss and Swedes if they present alternative complete withdrawal NNSC sufficient bargaining position secure agreement removal all teams DZ.3 Retention one team in each zone Korea appears have no practical justification since its coverage would be so limited in scope. Believe Communist purpose insisting one team remain each zone is to perpetuate problem UNC faces with ROK.
Swedish Ambassador informed Swiss position as outlined your 364 and asked urge his Government stand firm on removal all teams DZ and press Swiss join them this stand.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/10–1055. Secret. Drafted by Jones and approved by Robertson. Repeated to Stockholm, London, Paris, Seoul, and Tokyo.↩
- See footnote 6, Document 89.↩
- In telegram 383 from Bern, October 14, the Embassy reported that the Swiss Government continued to incline toward a “prudent” course of action with respect to the NNSC, despite the arguments conveyed by the Embassy as instructed in telegram 673 to Bern. The Swiss felt that Sweden was also hesitant to force the issue of the NNSC and this reinforced Swiss caution. (Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/ 10–1455)↩
- A memorandum of Robertson’s conversation with Boheman on October 12 is ibid., 795.00/10–1255.↩