264. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker) to the Department of Defense1
Seoul, December 30,
1957—2:18 p.m.
UK 977659. This is a joint Embassy/CINCUNC message. References: A. DEF 934500.2 B. UK 977475.3
- 1.
- MND ROK given memo4 at meeting 28 Dec 1957, stating US position as set forth in part II of reference A. MND requested to reply by 10 January 1958 since that is approximate date when it is planned to advise President Rhee of US plans [1 line of source text not declassified].
- 2.
- MND stated that at direction of President Rhee he is undertaking study of long range military requirements of ROK under (1) conditions which prevail today, (2) conditions if Communist threat is lessened. He stated that ROK decision concerning reduction of magnitude proposed would depend on findings and conclusions these studies. He indicated that he would try to establish ROK position by 10 Jan, meanwhile ROK was proceeding with reduction of 60,000 as outlined in reference B.
- 3.
- MND was advised that the study mentioned in para 2 above should not be limited to the opposing forces in Korea but should take into account the US capability to strike at the sources of Communist power, as well as the shrinking level of aid available from the [Page 536] US and the need to balance military requirements against economic resources.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.56395B/12–3057. Top Secret; Priority. Originally sent as a CINCREP message and later corrected to CINCUNC message. Sent to the Department of Defense for OSD/ISA and to the Department of State; repeated to Department of the Army, CINCPAC, and CINCUSARPAC; and passed to the Embassy in Seoul.↩
- Document 260.↩
- Document 253.↩
- A copy of the December 28 memorandum from General Decker and Weil to the Minister of Defense on “Reorganization of the ROK Armed Forces” is in Department of State, NA Files: Lot 60 D 680, Reduction of Forces (Korean). In the memorandum, Decker and Weil concluded: “It would appear that elimination of four divisions will be necessary to bring ROKA strength within the reduced ceiling.”↩