254. Editorial Note
On November 18, the First Committee of the U.N. General Assembly completed 4 days of debate on “the Korean question” and drew up a report for submission to the General Assembly. The debate was based in large part upon the annual report of the U.N. Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea, submitted on August 14, and upon the August 9 report of the Unified Command dealing with the U.N. Command statement in the Military Armistice Commission on June 21. (U.N. docs. A/3672 and A/3631, respectively)
Representatives of the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia condemned the decision of the Unified Command to introduce nuclear-capable weapons into Korea, and United States representative Walter Judd responded that the action taken by the Unified Command was merely “remedial action” designed to offset Communist violations of the Armistice Agreement. First Committee debate on the Korean question is in U.N. docs. A/C.1/SR.899–A/C.1/SR.904.
At its 724th plenary meeting on November 29, the General Assembly accepted the recommendations of the First Committee and adopted Resolution 1180(XII) which reaffirmed the U.N. objectives in Korea and called upon the Communist authorities concerned to accept those objectives in order to achieve a settlement in Korea based on the fundamental principles for unification set forth by the nations participating on behalf of the United Nations in the Korean Political Conference held in Geneva in 1954. The Assembly requested UNCURK to continue its work in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and requested the Secretary-General to place the Korean question on the provisional agenda of the thirteenth regular session.