251. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State1
353. I have delayed reply to Deptel 3082 until I could speak again with Defense Minister. This I have now done, and he has promised me he will do everything possible to give us ROK proposal on forces reduction next week.
Although President Rhee has mentioned subject in passing several times, and I have had one extended conversation with him on September 3 (Deptel 204),3 I have, as Dept assumes, left discussions with him primarily to Defense Minister in accordance latter’s request. [Page 517] I am convinced Minister is doing what he can to obtain President Rhee’s consent to reduction, and believe it wise continue to leave matter in his hands for time being. He has expressed appreciation for our patience with him, and has implied that if he is to succeed he must “make haste slowly.”
Although, as Dept knows, President Rhee’s reactions are sometimes unpredictable, and he is frequently inclined to change his decisions, I am reasonably hopeful that we can obtain a satisfactory agreement in course of next few weeks. This will not, of course, provide for elimination of four divisions, but will I believe ensure equivalent reduction in manpower, perhaps by inactivation two divisions and certain other support units.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/10–2457. Secret; Limit Distribution; No Distribution Outside Department.↩
- Supra.↩
- See footnote 5, Document 244.↩