123. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Switzerland1
Washington, March 6,
1956—4:31 p.m.
1541. Tokyo also pass CINCUNC.
- 1.
- You instructed see
appropriate official Swiss Foreign Office morning March 8 and
subject paragraph 2 below make following statement re NNSC.
- (a)
- U.S. has serious doubts danger serious incident in ROK arising presence Czech and Polish members NNSC can be contained much longer.
- (b)
- Appreciate Swiss and Swedish efforts effect removal inspection teams DZ and we fully realize difficulty this task.
- (c)
- Essential we know now whether Swiss and Swedes in fact will take action which will result in removal all inspection teams DZ. Need firm idea time element involved.
- (d)
- Secretary will be confronted March 17 by Rhee with NNSC question. We must be prepared say with virtual certainty our part but without specifying means problem will be solved shortly. Would appreciate Swiss and Swedish response our query next few days.
- (e)
- In requesting this information no intent place pressure on Swiss and Swedes. We have been and should continue be patient and helpful every way possible in affording them opportunity solve difficult problem their own way. However cannot predict future ROK behavior particularly if cannot assure ROK of certainty our part teams will have gone in short time nor can we disregard measures such behavior or its imminence may require of us.
- 2.
- Prior making above statement suggest you remind Foreign Office their expectation reported your 8442 reply from Communists forthcoming about now and state you instructed inquire whether reply yet received and how Swiss propose answer. If Swiss have not received Communist reply and/or if Swiss proposed reply indicates no definite progress re removal teams make démarche outlined para 1 above. If Swiss received Communist reply and are now prepared take definite course action which your judgment probably will lead termination inspection teams ROK at definite time near future do not make démarche outlined para 1 above. Either event, or if impossible arrange morning appointment request you communicate niact or by telephone if necessary Department in order results your meeting Swiss be available Washington not later than 2:00 p.m. March 8 Washington time. Department plans see Swedish Ambassador after 3:00 p.m. March 8 Washington time make parallel démarche.3
- 3.
Recognize Swiss and Swedes may react approach outlined para 1 above by abandoning own efforts but have concluded risk must be taken.4
Defense informed.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/3–656. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Jones; cleared with L/UNA, UNP, EUR, and by Murphy; and approved by Sebald. Repeated to Stockholm, Seoul, and Tokyo.↩
- Not found in Department of State files.↩
- See the memorandum of conversation, infra.↩
- The Embassy in Bern responded in telegram 960, March 7, that Zehnder was prepared to press for an early reply from the Communist governments, and had suggested a further discussion with Embassy officials on March 12. Therefore, the Embassy decided not to make the démarche outlined in telegram 1541 to Bern. (Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/3–756) In telegram 1564 to Bern, March 8, the Department instructed the Embassy to make the démarche outlined in telegram 1541 without further delay. (Ibid..)↩