100. Editorial Note
On November 22, the First Committee of the U.N. General Assembly completed 11 days of debate on “the Korean question” and drew up a report for submission to the General Assembly. The debate was based in part upon the annual report of the U.N. Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea which was submitted on September 7 and covered the period from August 17, 1954, to September 7, 1955. (U.N. doc. A/2947) The debate also ranged over the problem of the former prisoners of the Korean war, which India, as chairman of the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission, was eager to resolve. In addition, the debate included a sharp exchange between the Polish Representative, J. Katz-Suchy, and Jacob Blaustein of the U.S. Delegation on the question of which [Page 187] of the contending sides in the Korean conflict were violating the letter and spirit of the Armistice Agreement with respect to the functioning of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. First Committee debate on the Korean question is recorded in U.N. docs. A/C.1/S.R.783 through A/C.1/S.R.793. The exchanges between Katz-Suchy and Blaustein are in U.N. docs. A/C.1/S.R.790 and A/C.1/ S.R.792.
At its 549th plenary meeting on November 29, the General Assembly accepted the recommendations of the First Committee and adopted resolutions reaffirming the intention of the United Nations to seek an early solution to the Korean question, requesting member states to assist in the resettlement of former prisoners still resident in India, and requesting the Secretary-General to place the Korean question on the provisional agenda of the Eleventh Session of the General Assembly. (A/PV.549)