425. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1
Washington, February 20,
1957—7:39 p.m.
1044. Vientiane 1359.2 Department assumes Lao Government and leaders sufficiently aware acceptance ChiCom economic aid falls within purview November 13 letter and would probably result in US reappraisal economic and political policy vis-à-vis Laos. If such not case, however, at your discretion in contacts with Lao leaders you may wish at appropriate times indicate that November 13 letter defining US policy also applies to eventualities other than coalition government.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.00/2–2057. Secret. Drafted by Kocher and cleared by Corcoran and Sebald. Repeated to London, Paris, Saigon, Ottawa, Phnom Penh, New Delhi, and Bangkok.↩
- In telegram 1359 from Vientiane, February 20, the Embassy confirmed information which it had tentatively reported in telegram 1351, February 19. The information was that Souphanouvong had asked Souvanna Phouma to request economic aid from the People’s Republic of China as evidence of Laos’ neutrality and in return for Pathet Lao agreement to guarantees requested by the Royal Lao Government. (Ibid., 751G.00/2–2057 and 751–.00/2–1957, respectively)↩