193. Telegram From the Embassy in the Philippines to the Department of State1

Secto 54. Following represents tentative suggestions MacArthur, Robertson, Bowie, McClintock and Young after Secretary’s talk with Cambodians and French on training formula:

Assuming French reject or procrastinate on formula, we can take following order of steps during next 4 to 6 weeks while Paris is ratifying Paris agreements:

Sign immediately bilateral with Cambodia to proceed with logistics and costing. (The French would not object to this.)
Ask Defense to send, as soon as bilateral signed, General Lodoen to Cambodia to survey material requirements, and size, structure and composition of Cambodian forces in light of what we think their mission should be. Lodoen should also be asked to report separately his views on adequacy of French training and security conditions Cambodia including conditions Cambodian forces.
Defer the training issue until Lodoen’s report received and studied.
Then, probably in mid-April, put decision up to Cambodians to choose alternatives already put up to them on training.
In meantime, make study of possible ways to set up a training organization. Perhaps Colonel Rossin of O’Daniel’s staff and an expert on such matters could be detailed on temporary duty to Phnom Penh to assist in this aspect of the problem.

Request Department study above and comment to Secretary on his return Washington. No action should be taken until then. If above approved McClintock can be instructed proceed with bilateral.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 110.11–DU/3–255. Secret. Repeated to Phnom Penh and Paris.