142. Letter From Minister for External Affairs Casey to Secretary of State Dulles1
FOSTER: I mentioned to you briefly in conversation the other day my belief that Suhrawardy (Prime Minister of Pakistan) has something that I think is a real political problem in respect of SEATO—in that he needs something that he can use publicly with his own politicians and people—to the effect that Pakistan has got something positive out of SEATO.
In a recent speech (February 22nd) Suhrawardy said “that SEATO was also concerned with the economic and social welfare of member nations, and that he was convinced that SEATO would play an increasingly important role in supplementing the efforts of its Asian partners towards their goals on economic development”.
You answered this in your speech in the SEATO Council yesterday2 very effective—but it does not diminish Suhrawardy’s problem.
[Page 313]Even if you were able to give a SEATO label to some of your present bounty to Pakistan, it would give Suhrawardy something that he can use.
I apologise for butting in on this matter—which is wholly your affair—but I know Suhrawardy quite well, and, rightly or wrongly, the public position has arisen in Karachi that I believe needs meeting in some way even if it does not mean any additional bounty to Pakistan over and above the present position.
This matter will arise on Agenda Item 5. You might feel inclined to deal sympathetically with what Pakistan has to say—although it will not come up in the form of a direct request for more economic aid.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–CA/3–1257.↩
- Summarized in Document 140.↩
- An attached note bears this handwritten note, dated March 13: “Withers discussed with Secretary who decided no reply was necessary.” The initials are illegible. C. Dudley Withers, Deputy Director of the Office of South Asian Affairs, was serving as an Adviser to the U.S. Delegation at the Canberra meeting.↩