98. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1

3699. Anticipating early termination current session of UNGA2FonOff officials have begun summarizing its effect. On whole they [Page 259] feel relief and satisfaction concerning its outcome to date. They enumerate following major developments.

Disarmament debate ended with surprisingly large majority supporting Western position against Soviets.
Soviet effort to blow Syrian situation into anti-Western demonstration failed conspicuously with consequent damage to Soviet propaganda.
UNGA gave overwhelming backing to US-supported resolution on unification Korea, despite US challenge to Communist bloc regarding introduction new weapons North Korea in violation international agreement.
France luckily escaped damaging resolution on Algeria and Netherlands, similarly, avoided pressure from UNGA regarding New Guinea.
Although Cyprus debate not yet ended FonOff optimistic that most GA delegates want to give new Cyprus Governor Foot opportunity to examine situation on island before passing controversial resolution.
Kashmir debate although futile seems to have done little harm and outburst by Krishna Menon and his resultant unpopularity may produce sobering effect on him and Indian foreign policy.
Soviet refusal agree to increasing size of SC and other UN bodies makes USSR rather than West target for Asian resentment that new Asian (and African) countries insufficiently represented.

Embassy Comment: On whole FonOff considers 12th session UNGA to have been blissfully dull. FonOff strongly opposes continuing session after Christmas vacation.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/12–1357. Repeated to USUN.
  2. The Twelfth Session of the U.N. General Assembly concluded on December 14.