74. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
27. Re Reappointment of SYG for additional 5-year term. View indications all permanent members SC appear favor reappointment SYG, suggest further discussion with [name deleted] to work out next steps and procedures.
[Page 198]We have noted procedure suggested by [name deleted] (Urtel 11702). While there may be some psychological advantage for initiative to appear to come from GA, we believe it might be desirable get over SC hurdle at reasonably early date, perhaps some time in August, so that twelfth GA can act expeditiously in opening days of session to appoint Hammarskjold in accordance with Article 97 of Charter. Also, early SC nomination would appear simplify GA action.
While we would wish to discuss this matter subsequently with other SC members, our preliminary view is that brief SC resolution might be introduced by several or all non-permanent members. This would avoid any difficulty which might arise, (i.e. Soviet Union and China as co-sponsors) if big powers were to put forward such proposal.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 315/6–2857. Confidential. Signed by Wilcox for the Secretary.↩
- Telegram 1170 from USUN, June 28, contained a summary of a conversation between a U.N. official and Wadsworth in which the official stated the opinion that little difficulty was envisaged with the re-election of Hammarskjöld and suggested a procedural timetable in which the General Assembly would swiftly approve its agenda and which would include an item on Hammarskjöld’s re-election with the issue taken up and resolved before general debate began in the Assembly. (Ibid.)↩