54. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 370. Re: SC enlargement.


Fol is text of draft res submitted by Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Lebanon, Indonesia, Burma, Ethiopia, Ceylon, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, India and Syria tonight. Not clear whether they intend to ask for priority or allow LA resolution come to vote first:

The General Assembly,

Having regard to the increase in the membership of the United Nations and the developments in the status and role of member states since the adoption of the Charter, and having regard to the nature of the functions of the Security Council,

Considering that, in order to give due regard to the increasing contribution of the generality of member states of the United Nations to the maintenance of international peace and security, and to the other purpose of the organization, and to equitable geographical distribution, it is desirable to increase the number of members of the Security Council,

Considering further that adequate and appropriate increase in the number of members of the Security Council requires an amendment of the United Nations Charter and the resolving of diverse important views and interests, which can be best effected after the necessary studies and discussions have been made,

Decides to appoint a Committee of 15 members to study, in the light of the deliberations of the Assembly, this matter in all its aspects, and report to the Twelfth Session of the General Assembly.

We plan to do systematic check in morning among Afro-Asian countries on their willingness to vote for increase of two if this resolution defeated (on assumption it will be put to vote first as procedural resolution).
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/12-1856. Official Use Only; Priority.