307. Editorial Note
The ANZUS Council held a meeting at the Department of State on the morning of September 24. The 19 participants included Secretary of State Dulles and Under Secretary of State Hoover for the United States, External Affairs Minister Casey and Ambassador Sir Percy Spender for Australia, and External Affairs Minister [Page 628] Thomas L. MacDonald and Ambassador Sir Leslie Munro for New Zealand. According to the United States Minutes of the meeting, Casey raised the issue of Antarctica at the conclusion of the meeting:
“Mr. Casey then raised the question of Antarctica. He said that since his talk with the Acting Secretary on September 14 there had been new developments. The Russians had exposed their plans for future activities in Antarctica. These plans envisaged regular flights of aircraft to Antarctica, probably as many as five or six a year. … Mr. Casey said that Australians hoped that the U.S., U.K., New Zealand and Australia could get together to concert their positions with regard to Antarctica.
“… Australia felt that there should be the fullest talks before any new developments occur.
“Mr. Hoover explained the U.S. position prior to U.S.S.R. interest in the area.… The U.S. was now gathering material for a reassessment of its policy but was not yet in a position to discuss the matter authoritatively.” (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 55)