United States Economic Defense Policy: United States Interest in Maintaining Multilateral Strategic Controls on Trade With the Soviet Union, the Peopled Republic of China, and Certain Other Nations1
1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. I, Part 2, pp. 817 ff. For documentation on U.S. policy toward the People’s Republic of China, see volumes II and III.
131. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Economic Defense Advisory Committee (DeLany) to the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Randall)
Source: Eisenhower Library, CFEP Records. Secret.
132. Minutes of the 46th Meeting of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, Executive Office Building, Washington, August 14, 1956
Source: Eisenhower Library, CFEP Records. Secret.
133. Instruction From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/9–1156. Confidential. Drafted by Knoll and approved by Kalijarvi. Sent to Ankara, Athens, Bern, Bonn, Brussels, Copenhagen, Geneva (for Johnson), The Hague, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Lisbon, London, Luxembourg, Paris (pass to USRO/ST), Oslo, Ottawa, Rome, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Vienna.
134. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, September 13, 1956
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/9–1356. Secret. Drafted by Tucker.
135. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/9–1056. Confidential. Drafted by Knoll; approved by Kalijarvi; and repeated to Paris, Bonn, and Tokyo.
136. Progress Report Prepared in the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/9–2756. Secret. Forwarded to the National Security Council under cover of a memorandum from Dulles to Lay, September 27. Another copy of this progress report is ibid., S/S–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1, Communist China: Multilateral Export Controls on Trade with.
137. Letter From the Under Secretary of State (Hoover) to the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Randall)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/10–2256. Confidential. Drafted by Wright and cleared by E, EUR, and FE.
138. Telegram From the Office of the Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 460.509/11–756. Confidential. Repeated to London.
139. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 460.509/12–1156. Confidential. Drafted by Knoll and Wright; approved and signed by Dulles. Repeated to Paris.
140. Instruction From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/12–2756. Confidential. Drafted by Knoll and Wright and approved by Wright. Sent to Ankara, Athens, Bern, Bonn, Brussels, Copenhagen, Geneva (for Johnson), The Hague, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Lisbon, London, Luxembourg, Paris (pass USRO/ST), Oslo, Ottawa, Rome, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Vienna.
141. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Randall) to the Chairman of the Economic Defense Advisory Committee (DeLany)
Source: Department of State, Economic Defense Files: Lot 64 D 234, Policy Review Papers—NSC 5704/1. Secret.
142. Minutes of a Meeting of the Economic Defense Advisory Committee, Washington, January 23, 1957, 10 a.m.
Source: Department of State, Economic Defense Files: Lot 59 D 665, EDAC Minutes. Secret.
143. Minutes of the 53d Meeting of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, Executive Office Building, Washington, February 5, 1957
Source: Department of State, Economic Defense Files: Lot 59 D 439, China Trade Controls 1957. Secret.
144. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/3–157. Confidential. Repeated to Paris (for USRO/ST), Bonn, Tokyo, The Hague, Rome, and Geneva for Johnson.
145. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Kalijarvi) to the Secretary of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 460–509/3–557. Secret. Drafted by Knoll on February 28; concurred in by Elbrick, Timmons, Moline, Lubert O. Sanderhoff of RA, Robertson, Howard Jones, Tucker, Bowie (in draft), and William Leonhart of S/P (in draft).
146. Memorandum of Discussion at the 315th Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, March 6, 1957
Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Top Secret. Drafted by Gleason on March 7.
147. National Security Council Paper
Source: Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5704 Series. Secret. A covering note by James Lay, dated March 8, noted that the President approved the statement of policy in NSC 5704 on March 8, as amended and adopted by the NSC as NSC 5704/1.
149. Letter From the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Randall) to the Under Secretary of State (Herter)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.509/3–2157. Secret. a copy was sent to Sinclair Weeks.
150. Memorandum of a Conversation, Mid-Ocean Club, Bermuda, March 22, 1957, 10:30 a.m.
Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 867. Secret. Drafted by Dale. Delegations from the United States and the United Kingdom, led by President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Macmillan, met at Bermuda for a 3-day conference, March 21–23, in order to discuss matters of mutual concern.
151. Note From Foreign Secretary Lloyd to Secretary of State Dulles
Source: Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204, UK Officials Corres. Secret. According to a handwritten notation on the source text, this note was handed to Dulles by Lloyd on March 23.
152. Note From Secretary of State Dulles to Foreign Secretary Lloyd
Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 868. According to a handwritten notation on the source text, Dulles handed this note to Lloyd on March 23.
153. Letter From the British Ambassador (Caccia) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Dillon)
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 411.9341/4–757. Confidential.
154. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, April 9, 1957
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/4–957. Confidential. Drafted by Wright.
155. Instruction From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93231/4–1757. Confidential. Drafted and approved by Knoll. Sent to Bern, Hong Kong, Geneva for Johnson, Singapore, Stockholm, Vienna, Kuala Lumpur, Ankara, Athens, Bonn, Brussels, Copenhagen, The Hague, Lisbon, Luxembourg, London, Oslo, Ottawa, Paris, USRO/ST in Paris, Rome, and Tokyo.
156. Memorandum of Conversations, Department of State, Washington, April 17, 1957
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/4–1757. Confidential. Drafted by Wright.
157. Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.9441/4–2057. Secret; Limit Distribution.
158. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.41/5–357. Secret; Priority. Dulles was in Bonn for a Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council, May 2–3.
160. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 493.009/5–1457. Secret; Priority. Repeated priority to Paris for USRO.