129. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Afghanistan1

1180. Guidance for Suhrawardy visit Kabul2 follows. For Karachi. Suggest Chargé obtain appointment Suhrawardy and make following points:

As he aware one of cardinal US objectives in area is establishment closer relations Pakistan Afghanistan. US believes this offers best hope diminishing Soviet influence south of Oxus and thus works to benefit US Pakistan and other members free world. While much remains to be done we believe substantial progress has already been made in orienting Afghanistan towards free world and away from complete dependence on Soviets.
We are hopeful Suhrawardy’s visit will further contribute establishment closer Pakistan Afghan relations and therefore would like have frank discussion with Suhrawardy regarding possible further steps toward this objective which he thinks might be taken during his trip. Would be helpful if some tangible achievement in [Page 255] promoting close relations might result such as (a) agreement exchange ambassadors (b) announcement conclusion air transport agreement (c) further diminution of mutually recriminatory propaganda (d) simplification of transit procedures.
We would appreciate Suhrawardy’s assessment situation after his return from Kabul.

For Kabul. Suggest you approach Naim (or Daud if you think advisable) along following lines:

US regards Suhrawardy visit as providing another opportunity establish closer relationship between two neighboring Moslem countries.
While we realize importance Afghans attach to Pushtunistan question we would be encouraged if broader discussions took place and agreement reached on other questions involving relations between two countries. We would hope that visit would have tangible result. Possibilities would include agreement exchange ambassadors etc. (See paragraph 2 above.)
US pleased that first members transit survey mission have arrived in area and are hopeful mission will be able contribute substantially development economic relations between Afghanistan Pakistan.

FYI. In connection transit survey mission we are concerned that RGA endeavoring gradually involve US beyond general survey of possible Kandahar Kabul railway which we reluctantly undertook. We must continue stand firm against such endeavors and concomitantly disabuse RGA of any belief degree US involvement railway is valid touchstone of USG interest Afghanistan. End FYI.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 033.90D89/5–2757. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Soulen, Howison, Jones, and Withers and approved by Berry. Also sent to Karachi and repeated to London.
  2. Prime Minister Suhrawardy was scheduled to visit Kabul June 9–11.
  3. In telegram 3265 from Karachi, May 31, Chargé Gardiner reported that he had related the above points to Suhrawardy in a conversation the previous day. The Prime Minister stated that he was in full agreement with U.S. objectives although he did not believe that Afghanistan would abandon the Soviets. He agreed with Richards’ appraisal that Afghanistan would continue to “walk chalkline between two blocs.” (Department of State, Central Files, 689.90D/5–3157)

    In telegram 1534 from Kabul, June 6, Ambassador Mills reported that he had conveyed the above considerations to Naim in a conversation on June 5. The Afghan Foreign Minister emphasized that the delay in negotiations was due to Pakistan. (Ibid., 689.90D/6–657)