363. Editorial Note
On Sunday, November 13, Secretary of State Dulles held a meeting on disarmament with his senior staff at 9 a.m. At 10, he and Foreign Minister Molotov met at his office in the Palais des Nations to consider United Nations membership, trade controls on China, the tanker Tuapse, the future work of the conference, and the Middle East. Following the meeting with Molotov, Dulles and Merchant had lunch with Macmillan. In the evening, the Secretary and his principal advisers discussed East-West contacts, and at 6:50 Dulles reviewed the disarmament question with Stassen. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 584)
A record of the meeting with Molotov follows. A brief memorandum of the lunch with Macmillan is ibid. No records have been found for the other meetings in Department of State files.