329. Editorial Note
At 10 a.m., Secretary Dulles held a meeting with his senior staff to discuss disarmament. At the same time the Working Group on Contacts met in the Palais des Nations Council Chamber to continue its work, and at 11 the Working Group on Trade began its fourth meeting in Room 1 of the Palais des Nations. At 11:30, the Tripartite Working Group on Disarmament met at the Villa le Chene to work on the draft declaration. Following lunch, Secretary Dulles departed for Vienna. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 576, US OD/8)
No record of the senior staff meeting has been found in Department of State files. Records of the meetings of the Working Groups on Contacts and Trade follow. Regarding the meeting of the Working Group on Disarmament, see footnote 4, Document 318. Dulles’ visit to Vienna was a social function to attend the reopening of the Vienna Opera, and only the schedule of his activities there has been found. (Ibid., Chron–14)