29. Telegram From the Department of State to the Office of the High Commissioner for Austria1
2904. We are concerned at apparently sketchy information on what transpired in Moscow between Austrian Delegation and Soviets and informal manner in which it has been presented to Western High Commissioners after return to Vienna. Figl’s oral briefing which may not have revealed full contents of secret memorandum (Vienna’s 23312) … not inspired us with full confidence.
If you have similar reservations suggest you consult with your Western colleagues on desirability requesting Austrian Government make a full and formal written report to three High Commissioners on Moscow consultations and Austrian intentions.
Concur all points Vienna’s 2346.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 663.001/4–1855. Secret. Drafted and signed for the Secretary of State by Jones. Repeated to London, Paris, and Moscow.↩
- Document 26.↩
- In telegram 2346, Thompson reported that he did not consider that subsequent information should change the policy outlined in telegram 2893 (Document 27). He recommended, however, that he be authorized to make a statement to Raab along the lines of paragraph 3 of telegram 2893 and that the United States ask the Austrians for a draft of Article 35 which would cover the Moscow agreement with the Soviet Union. (Department of State, Central Files, 663.001/4–1855)↩