288. Editorial Note
By the beginning of October, three groups were meeting on different aspects of the Directive from the Heads of Government. In Bonn representatives from the three Western Embassies and the Federal Republic had begun discussions on September 16 on various aspects of the Eden Plan and all-German elections. Their work was a continuation of deliberations before the Geneva Conference, and on October 13 they completed the “Report of the Bonn Working Group on the All-German Electoral Law and Supervisory Commission” and the “Report of the Bonn Working Group on the Eden Plan”. Copies of these two reports are in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 558.
A second group consisting of representatives from the British and French Embassies and the United States Government was meeting in Washington to discuss disarmament. On October 19 it submitted the “Final Tripartite Working Group Report” of the Disarmament Working Group. No copy of this report has been found in Department of State files, but a subsequent draft, dated November 7, which reflects certain revisions after the start of the Foreign Ministers meeting at Geneva, is ibid., CF 561.
The third group met in Paris and consisted of representatives from the French Foreign Ministry, the Department of State, and the [Page 614] British Foreign Office with occasional participation by officials from the Federal Republic. The working group report was transmitted in telegram 1934 from Paris. (Ibid., Central Files, 396.1–GE/10–2055)