213. Memorandum for the Record, by the President’s Staff Secretary (Goodpaster)1

The President told me just after a phone call to Sir Anthony Eden at 10:30 on July 21 that Sir Anthony had asked him how soon he might be ready to come to some kind of agreement about offshore procurement of military items for Iraq (and perhaps other mid-East countries).

The President had indicated to Sir Anthony that he thought it would be possible to do some of this but the amount would have to be studied.

Sir Anthony asked the President what General Gruenther had thought of the disarmament scheme relating to NATO, and the [Page 433] President said he told Sir Anthony that his thought ran more in terms of an “over-all” arrangement.

A.J. Goodpaster2
Colonel, CE, US Army
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, White House Office, Geneva—Notes and Observations.
  2. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.