191. Editorial Note

At 9:15 a.m. Livingston Merchant, Douglas MacArthur, Robert Bowie, and Herman Phleger participated in a meeting of the Tripartite Coordinating (Working) Group at Prime Minister Faure’s villa along with Harold Caccia, Sir Geoffrey Harrison, and Lord Hood for the British, and Armand Berard and Roland Jacquin de Margerie for the French. No record of this meeting, which was presumably held to coordinate the position of the three delegations for the first Foreign Ministers meeting at 11 a.m. (see Document 193), has been found. It is mentioned briefly in Merchant, Recollections, page 33, and appears as an entry in the United States Delegation order of the day, USDEL OD–3, July 19. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 520)

From this meeting Merchant, MacArthur, Bowie, and Phleger went to Secretary Dulles’ villa and then they drove with the Secretary to the delegation offices for a meeting with Foreign Ministers Pinay and Macmillan. No records for either of these meetings have been found, but both are mentioned briefly in Merchant, Recollections, page 33, while the second appears as an entry in USDEL OD–3 and indicates that Carl McCardle was also present. Probably Merchant et al. reported on the tripartite meeting in the session at Secretary Dulles’ villa, while the three Foreign Ministers ironed out the last details in preparation for their meeting with Molotov, at the meeting in the United States Delegation offices.

At some point during the Foreign Ministers meeting Macmillan gave the United States Delegation copies of two messages from Con Douglas O’Neil, the British Chargé at Peking, dealing with the question of Ambassadorial talks to be held at Geneva. These messages were transmitted to Washington in Dulte 23, July 19. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 522)