163. Telegram From the Delegation at the Paris Working Group to the Department of State1

167. For MacArthur and Merchant from Beam. Following are some notes on our work that might be useful for you to have before you leave. We will be unable to supply you with copy of working group report before you arrive. Cover report will be fairly brief, about 7 or 8 pages. Annexes will include some revised versions of position papers exchanged after San Francisco.

On the whole work has proceeded smoothly and other delegations have been willing to accept many US positions various subjects. It seems to us critical question will be how far other delegations will wish to go at Geneva in offering Russians supplementary assurances to tempt them, as the British apparently wish, to agree to German reunification or, as the French may possibly desire, to stabilize present European situation. We have been unable to draw out other delegations very far on this subject and we have the feeling they are holding their cards fairly close. Department is better informed than we on British intentions but up until now British in Paris have played straight game with us. It is difficult to know to what extent Blankenhorn reflects Adenauer’s views since we suspect he is pushing Chancellor to press for flexible forward position. Hallstein incidentally will probably attend Saturday NAC meeting.

We have heard of a FaurePinay plan on security but have been unable to obtain further details. Our discussions indicated French may have in mind projecting program at Geneva envisaging Agreement on Force levels East and West in Europe.

Delegation has just seen press report in Aurore that Faure scheduled hold press conference tomorrow 4:00 p.m. Report refers to rumors of a Faure plan which envisages 20 percent armaments reduction East and West and establishment of a special world economic development fund based on resulting savings. Report says Pinay has put final touches on plan which he alluded to at San Francisco which contrary to British ideas would be put into effect before German reunification [Page 319] and would extend immediately to two German republics. Aurore attaches special interest to fact Faure and Pinay met with Cabinet Saturday.

Although no hint thereof given in working group, we consider possible Faure may use press conference to outline program. Suggest Department request Ambassador Dillon see Faure before conference, allude to press stories, and, after expressing our confidence in him, state utmost importance we attach to having exchange views three Foreign Ministers before any one of them assume public postures. See immediately following telegram for Dillon’s comments.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/7–1255. Top Secret; Niact. Drafted by Beam and Wolf.
  2. In telegram 168, July 12, Dillon reported that he did not believe the rumors warranted an interview with Faure, but stated that he would have Counselor Joyce talk with Berard along the lines suggested by Beam. (Ibid.) In his conversation with Joyce, Berard said he understood the concern of the United States, elaborated on the points which Faure and Pinay would make at the press conference, and added that Faure would say that if military expenditures could be reduced by 10–20 percent, the savings could be funneled into some kind of international organization for reconstruction and development in backward areas of the world. (Telegram 182 from Paris, July 12; ibid.) A copy of Faure’s statement is ibid., Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 496, SUM REF–4/55.