133. Editorial Note
On June 4, the Department of State began work on a note to the Soviet Union calling for a Four-Power Conference to begin on July 18 at Geneva. Copies of the draft were given to the British and French Ambassadors on that day and transmitted to London and Paris for delivery to the respective Foreign Ministries. (Telegram 4334 to Paris, June 4; Department of State, CFM Files: Lot M–88, Box 170) Two days later the Western Ambassadors delivered identical copies to the Soviet Foreign Ministry. For text of the note, see Department of State Bulletin June 20, 1955, pages 989–990. A copy is also in Department of State, Central File 396.1/6–655.
On June 13, the Soviet Union replied in a brief note accepting Geneva as the location and July 18 as the opening date for the Four-Power Conference. (Note 55/OSA, transmitted in telegram 2238 from Moscow, June 13; ibid., 396.1–GE/6–1355)
On June 7, the Embassy in Moscow delivered to the Soviet Foreign Ministry a personal note from Secretary of State Dulles to Foreign Minister Molotov inviting him to a dinner on June 20 at San Francisco to discuss various aspects of the Four-Power Conference. (Telegram 1033 to Moscow, June 6; ibid., 310/6–655) Molotov accepted the invitation the same day. (Telegram 2181 from Moscow, June 7; ibid., 396.1/6–755)