114. Editorial Note
On May 9, following the adjournment of the North Atlantic Council session, the three Foreign Ministers reached agreement on the text of an invitation to the Soviet Union to a Four-Power Conference. (Dulte 14 from Paris, May 9; Department of State, Central Files, 740.5/5–955) The text was approved by President Eisenhower and Chancellor Adenauer on May 10 (Tedul 14 to Paris and Dulte 20 from Paris, May 10; ibid., 396.1/5–955 and 5–1055), transmitted to the three respective Embassies in the Soviet Union, and delivered to the Foreign Ministry on the same day.
For text of the note, which is the same in substance as the draft transmitted in Document 108, see Department of State Bulletin, May 23, 1955, pages 832–833.