74. Memorandum of a Conversation Between the Secretary of State and Prime Minister Macmillan, Paris, December 16, 1957, 9:30 a.m.1



  • Support Costs
[Page 232]

I mentioned support costs. He asked what our program was. I said that I thought we would try to get as much more as we could for the current year but that probably we would not press for a subsequent year although this had not yet been finally decided. The Defense people wanted to press primarily to make a record for Congress. I myself felt that pressing would not get any money but would give the Germans an excuse to keep other things unsettled and the net result would be loss and not gain.

I said that in talking with the Germans I had sensed that they were quite stubborn against any assumption of support costs although it seemed they would be flexible as regards the foreign exchange aspect of the British problem. I mentioned that the Germans had indicated that they felt that under the Brussels Treaty this was the only aspect the British were entitled to bring up and they were prepared to meet the British on this aspect of the matter.

Mr. Macmillan asked whether I had discussed this alone with Adenauer or when the others were present. I said this had come up when the others were present. Macmillan said he thought Adenauer would probably make the decision. I said perhaps so but I had a feeling that Adenauer was tending to delegate increasing responsibility and not settle everything himself as had been the case earlier.

Macmillan said that the fact was that the Germans were not really building up their own military forces. I said I thought there was considerable improvement under way in this respect.

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 950. Secret. Drafted by Dulles on December 17. The meeting took place at the Ambassador’s residence.